美服《七芯》 最新更新添加新的刺客职业 等级上限提高

2015-01-14 1560





Webzen has announced that the latest Sevencore update has been applied that brings the Assassin playable class into the game alongside the Ancile Islands zone and a level cap increase from 60 to 80.

Assassins can wield daggers or claws and utilize high mobility and dodge to land critical strikes against multiple opponents simultaneously.  Most powerful, however, are the Assassin's single-target strikes from a cloak of shadow.

Dagger Assassins rely more heavily on single target damage, with the ability to cloak themselves in order to deal powerful stealth attacks to unsuspecting enemies. Along with a strike from the shadows, exploiting your opponent's weakness and dealing crippling blows, Daggers allow the Assassin to deal small, quick blow, while being more agile than their warrior counterparts.

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