美服《H1Z1》补丁在周一到来 处理服务器稳定性问题等

2015-01-19 1586

SOE H1Z1团队是着手于在1月19日,周一到来的补丁。该补丁将处理一些服务器稳定性问题,以及排序服务器的人群和摆脱以往令人讨厌的浮动箭头。




The SOE H1Z1 team was on hand much of Saturday to put the finishing touches on a small patch that will be deployed on Monday, January 19th. The patch will deal with some server stability issues as well as sorting servers by populations and getting rid of the ever-annoying floating arrows.

1) Floating Arrows - yeah they are annoying as heck. 2) Further analysis and improvements for server frame rate
3) Buffing shelter doors.
4) Sorting servers by population
5) Properly refreshing server list.

This is meant to be kind of a starter list. The team is off today. The game is stable and the team needs a breather. Tomorrow is a holiday for SOE but we're going to be in here anyways because we want to address these issues. Please add any immediate fix stuff here and we'll try and get it in. Again, your help with self policing threads and getting a positive community going is requested. We're only trying to focus on the stuff we all feel is important. Please help us with focusing on what we need to.

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