
2015-01-19 952





The Guild Wars 2 site has been updated with a lengthy post about balance changes coming on January 27th and that will encompass nearly every aspect of the game. Players can expect to see adjustments to Might, Confusion and several items (sigils and runes). The post also lays out changes coming to Structured PvP and Professions that spans all classes in an effort to make skills "more reliable and consistent and a return to regular use".

Might: Might is an exceptionally strong boon, currently providing a total of 875 power and condition damage if stacked to its full potential. This makes might one of the biggest single sources of damage enhancement available to players. With this update, we’ll slightly tone down the overall benefit of might as well as target a few specific items that augment might gain.

Might: The power and condition damage provided by this boon have been reduced from 35 per stack to 30.

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