
2015-01-27 1305






Bioware has announced that all ten of the Dragon Age: Inquisition tavern songs are now available for a free download. Fans can download both the music and the sheet music from the DAI site. Developers are also encouraging fans to record their own versions of the songs for a special Fan Celebration Contest.

Even an Inquisitor needs some downtime for relaxing once in a while. If you've indulged in the opportunity at Skyhold's tavern to enjoy a break from the demons and Venatori, chances are you've heard some of the bard's lovely songs. Although bards do perform to entertain travelers, they also serve a greater purpose: to carry the tales of triumph and tragedy across the land.

We've received many inquiries from our fans asking where they can get these songs, and we're thrilled that you're enjoying them as much as we do. we're excited to announce that for the next two weeks, you can download these songs from a desktop computer free of charge!

As an added bonus for all of you musically inclined folks, we're also releasing the sheet music for each track. Now you can perform your own versions of these haunting tavern tunes—and when you do, you should enter our Fan Celebration Contest!

免责声明:部分内容转自其他媒体,转载目的在于为游戏工作室传递更多信息,如因作品内容、版权和其他问题请 联系客服