美服《激战2》探索Maguuma丛林之心 设置荆棘之心扩张

2015-02-06 1161



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ArenaNet has published a pair of new blog posts on the Guild Wars 2 site to give players some of the most in-depth information about the Maguuma Jungle, the setting for the Heart of Thorns expansion, and the new Mastery System that will allow players to enhance their characters in meaningful ways.

The journey through the Maguuma Jungle will feature a look at some of the first tasks players will encounter on starting the expansion. By day, players and NPCs will work together to fortify the new Outposts. By night, Mordrem forces will attack and try to overwhelm the survivors of the Pact Fleet.

The second blog post deals with the highly anticipated Mastery System that allows max-level players to progress beyond the level cap in ways that stretch past the normal "end game" raiding / dungeon / PvP cycle of most MMOs.

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