《幻想神域》分层富豪事件提供奖励 跟踪监测花费多少AP

2015-02-09 854





From February 5th until February 9th, fantasy MMO Aura Kingdom is offering players the opportunity to earn a range of cool loyalty rewards during its limited-time Tiered Spender event.

The Tiered Spender system rewards players for the purchases they make. Players who have bought AP with real money can then go to the Item Mall and pick "Tiered Spender" from a drop-down list. Making shopping into a game of sorts, the Spender's tracker monitors how much AP you've spent, and as you hit certain levels, you get to redeem surprise gifts. The more you spend, the better these surprises become.

Examples of the rewards currently on offer include the Wicked Shadow: Dark Night Lion mount, the Snowy Nine-tailed Fox mount and a Weapon Costume to go with your Athena Eidolon.

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