
2015-03-01 754


据C9制造商透露,《黑色沙漠》是即将到来的sandbox-oriented大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,由韩国游戏开发商Pearl Abyss制造。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。


The official name of the sixth class in Black Desert is finally announced to be Blader. As a really speedy character in movement and combat, Blader (also known as Blademaster, Swordsman) has been released in Black Desert Korea server on Feb. 27th. He is a melee class when using swords, but when he uses bows he becomes a ranged class. Usually the bow works well at the time when he confronts with the weaker enemies or dodges away from the stronger enemies.

From the makers of Continent of the Ninth (C9), Black Desert is an upcoming sandbox-oriented massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Korean video game developer Pearl Abyss that features a persistent open-world action missing from C9.

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