
2015-03-26 1741



* 新飞行员的CSPA收费变为0 ISK


Testing out the new update site, CCP has revealed that the EVE Online Scylla update is now live. The update site is a newly revealed subsite of the main EVE site that is a clearinghouse for all past and future patches to the game.

The Scylla patch brings new ship rebalancing, updates to rail guns, and more into the game, including:

*the new Download-on-Demand client updater. Players can choose what to download and when which also has given CCP the ability to bring hi-rez textures / graphics into EVE
*the shut down of fighter delegations from Carriers and Super Carriers
*CSPA charges for new pilots goes to 0 ISK
*the rebalancing of the T3 cruiser subsystems
*a new Scylla theme song
*a "bigger and better" starmap, currently in beta stage

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