美服《龙腾世纪:审判》Jaws of Hakkon DLC将在五月份到达其他平台

2015-03-31 1562

BioWare公司已经确认《龙腾世纪:审判》DLC,Jaws of Hakkon,将于2015年五月将其公布在其他三个游戏平台,Xbox 360,PlayStation3和的PlayStation4,玩家可以留意官方网站一个更确切的发布日期。

Jaws of Hakkon DLC已经发布在Xbox One和PC上。专业玩家网VPN代理商城让你拥有更稳定的国外代理VPN,国外代理IP,包含国内各地ip代理,欧美vpn代理ip,日本vpn代理ip,韩国vpn代理ip等。


Bioware has confirmed that the Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC, Jaws of Hakkon, will be released on three other console platforms in May 2015. XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 players can keep an eye on the official site for a more exact release date when it is revealed.

Jaws of Hakkon has already been released for XBox One and PC.

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