
2015-04-07 526

在采访PC玩家事,黑曜石的Feargus Urquhart透露,《永恒之柱》扩张已经开始,玩家完成了第一个扩张,也许第二个要在未来的两周到一个月能够完成。




In a new interview with PC Gamer, Obsidian's Feargus Urquhart revealed that a Pillars of Eternity expansion is already underway and that the team wants to "be there" as players finish up a first and perhaps even second play through within the next couple of weeks to a month.

In addition, Urquhart revealed for the first time that a tabletop version of Pillars of Eternity is in the works. The game will be a card-type experience, but not precisely a CCG. Rather, Urquhart says, it will be more of a card-based roleplaying game.

The full interview also covers the KickStarter process, lessons learned and a lot more.

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