
2015-04-13 803




Trion is going to release a new update for ArcheAge in the end of this month. Whether you're looking for new zones, weapons, achievements, or PVP objectives, this new patch probably has something interesting in it if you're an ArcheAge fan. And today, let's take a look at the new zones coming soon in this new patch.

The new zones to be released are Golden Ruins and Mistmerrow, both of which are on Auroria. PvE players can try Golden Ruins to level their way from 50 to 55. This new zone also boasts a new player housing area for creating the obsidian weapon.

Meanwhile, Mistmerrow is PvP focused. Here players can enjoy the usual kill-for-honor system as well as a new tower-based minigame that rewards both winters and losers with tokens.

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