美服《Xsyon》扩展架构系统 构建多层高耸结构

2015-05-04 579






Last month, the fantasy sandbox MMORPG, Xsyon vastly improved its architecture system, allowing players to layout and build towering multiple story structures with ease.

This month, Xsyon continues this trend by expanding the architecture system with nearly 100 new building components and further improvements to the system. Parts include decks, railings, gates and various size floors and walls often requested by players.

Newly added beams add flexibility to the system, allowing players to place supports within trusses or span them. Part placement and movement is easier than before and players can now place tents, huts and teepees within structures at any level.

We’ve already witnessed many new and exciting player built creations since last month’s architecture patch. With more components, increased ease and greater flexibility we expect to see more amazing structures in Xsyon!

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