美服《星球大战:旧共和国》史诗故事XP提升到来 持续到今年秋天

2015-05-06 1075







The Star Wars: The Old Republic blog has been updated with the news that the "Epic Story XP Boost" has arrived for subscribers along with the news that the 12x boost will last through the Fall of 2015.

In order to make the journey from 1-55 faster and even more convenient, several changes have been implemented for the EPIC version as compared to last year's 12x event.

Quick Travel Bind points are now automatically unlocked whenever you reveal that region. No longer will you miss a Bind point.

The cooldown on the Quick Travel ability has been reduced.

The cooldown on Emergency Fleet Pass and Transport: Personal Starship have also been reduced. Just like Quick Travel for subscribers, if you have all 3 levels of Legacy unlock you can get those cooldowns all the way down to 0.

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