美服《巫师3》倒计时开始 - 现在预载

2015-05-13 604
CD Projekt Red日前宣布,Steam和GoG.com的PC和Xbox Live的《巫师3:狂猎》玩家现在可以预载。巫师三部曲的最后一场比赛将在下周二,5月19日推出,或5月18日的下午/傍晚为NA玩家推出。


5月18日,下午4:00 PT(洛杉矶)
5月18日,下午7.00 ET(纽约)
5月19日,凌晨0:00 BT(伦敦)
5月19日,上午02:00 UT(莫斯科)
5月19日,上午08:00 JT(东京)


CD Projekt Red has announced that preloading for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has begun on both Steam and GoG.com for PC and XBox Live for XBox One players. The final game in the trilogy of Witcher titles is set to launch next Tuesday, May 19th Warsaw time, or late afternoon / early evening on May 18th for NA players.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be officially released and unlocked on May 19, at 1:00 AM CET (Warsaw time), i.e:

May 18th, 4.00 pm PT (Los Angeles)
May 18th, 7.00 pm ET (New York)
May 19th, 00.00 am BT (London)
May 19th, 2.00 am UT (Moscow)
May 19th, 8.00 am JT (Tokyo).
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