美服《无主之地OL》电影即将开播 中国市场专用

2015-05-28 938




Today, Chinese game developer Shanda unveils the opening movie of their new title Borderlands Online via Chinese media 17173.com. The game will start its 2nd closed beta this summer. For now Borderlands Online is exclusive for Chinese market.

This movie is developed by 2K Games, so does the dubbing. To make the movie futuristic, the developer used 3 kinds of languages in dubbing. According to the official team, they will invite professional dubbing team to make a better sound effect in the future's open beta version.

The story in this movie happens before player's airship landed on Pandora planet. They were attacked on their way flying to "metropolitan". The broken airship fell on Pandora planet, and then, the story of Borderlands Online begins.
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