
2015-06-10 847

从今天开始到周日,6月14日,玩家们被邀请提交截图,每天按照规定的主题提交。优胜者将获得100美元的侏罗纪世界Fandango E-Giftcard奖励。



The ARK: Survival Evolved Steam page has been updated with a big post that gives players and fans a heads up on a new screenshot contest as well as a forward look at a large update coming on Friday, June 12th.

From today through Sunday, June 14th, players are invited to submit screenshots based on a theme announced each day. Winners will receive a $100 Jurassic World Fandango E-Giftcard a reward if chosen.

The team also briefly mentioned that a large patch will be coming this Friday that will include client optimization, new items, creatures and features.
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