美服《最终幻想14:重生之境》Yoshi P欢迎玩家来到Heavensward

2015-06-24 2014
Yoshi P声称“该旅程很漫长”,他将给玩家带来《最终幻想14》的第一个扩展,Heavensward。他简要概括Heavensward的内容,伴随着一些新的视频并鼓励玩家去探索。



Stating that "the journey has been long", Yoshi P has taken to the Final Fantasy XIV forum to welcome players to the first expansion to the game, Heavensward. He briefly reiterates the content in Heavensward, accompanied by several new videos and encourages players to get out and explore.

Heavensward is not only our first expansion, but the first of many new chapters to come in the story of Eorzea. It required a nightmarish schedule and many sleepless nights, but everyone here on the development and operations teams have put their all in to creating a product we hope is worthy of your support and adoration.
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