《天涯明月刀》7月1日正式开始 五毒也将发布

2015-07-02 1172




Hi everyone! The Moonlight Blade open beta is finally here and will open on 1st July 2015 1400hrs (China time, GMT +8). So all who have been waiting long and hard for the chance to hop into this beautiful game need not wait any longer! Additionally, 6 new servers will be opened much earlier. 

However, the main aim of this post is to direct your attention to one of the old servers: 大地飞鹰 subserver:凤凰集, as most of us English players from the last beta test are currently playing there. Also, we already have an English speaking guild set up in our server! It would be an absolute blast to have as many international players as we can playing together in one server and we can help each other out while partying together.

On a side note, the 7th class (五毒) WUDU will be released this OBT!
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