
2015-07-02 772
今天Aeria Games在《灵魂回响》网站上发表报告,宣布结束OBT以及官方的商业版本。团队称,这意味着游戏很稳定足以结束测试,但团队将利用新补丁不断完善游戏。没有服务器擦拭,所以它对玩家不会造成任何重大影响。



Today Aeria Games published a note on Echo of Soul's site, announcing the end of OBT and the official Commercial Release. According to the team, it means the game is solid enough to be out of beta status, but the team will keep improving the game with new patches. There will be no server wipe, so it won't cause any big effect to the players.

Meanwhile, a new patch will also be released with the game's commercial release. There will be 2 new raids released together with 2 new party dungeons.
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