
2015-07-02 796
《莎木3》今年给E3带来了很大冲击,也很神奇,它Kickstarter上仅仅9小时就达到了其200万美元的融资目标。最近,Yu Suzuki和其团队透露这款游戏的新预告片,展示添加的3个游戏场景。这些新场景分别是白沙、白鹿村和鸟舞,都是中国风格。


Shenmue 3 brought a big shock in the E3 this year, and it's also quite amazing that it reached its funding goal of $2 million from Kickstarter in just 9 hours. Recently, a new trailer of this game was revealed by Yu Suzuki and the team, showing off 3 new scenes that added to the game. These new scenes are named Baisha, Bailu Village and Choubu.

Based on Unreal 4 engine, Shenmue 3 is scheduled to be launched in the end of 2017 for both PC and PS4. The first gameplay trailer requires several systems to produce, so it will be released in the final stage of the game's development, which is early 2017.
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