
2015-07-22 681
玩家会很高兴地听到黑暗之魂系列的《黑暗之魂3》将在今年的科隆国际游戏展上正式上线。玩家将能够在展会期间的Bandai Namco摊位上获得该游戏。

现在只保持着余烬...因为火灾褪色,世界陷入毁灭,开发商FROMSOFTWARE和导演Hidetaka Miyazaki继续发展其广受好评和类型定义系列的《黑暗之魂3》。

游戏由FromSoftware开发,Hidetaka Miyazaki指导,将挑战你在一个巨大的、扭曲的、充满可怕野兽的世界里生存下来,狡猾的陷阱和隐藏的秘密。想要了解游戏工作室内部游戏防封技术,专业玩家网防封软件版块包含光子IP,无极挂机宝等多种防封软件及游戏防封技术。


Dark Souls fans will be happy to hear that the third game in the series, Dark Souls III, will be playable at this year's Gamescom. Players will be able to get their hands on the game at the Bandai Namco booth during the convention.

Now only embers remain…As fires fade and the world falls into ruin, developer FROMSOFTWARE and director Hidetaka Miyazaki continue their critically-acclaimed and genre-defining series with Dark Souls III.

Developed by FromSoftware and directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, the game will challenge you to survive a coming apocalypse in a vast twisted world full of fearsome beasts, devious traps and hidden secrets.
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