
2015-07-24 950




在撰写本文时,没有表明修复的确切发布日期,但Xbox One和PC玩家会很高兴知道该修补程序将发布在这两个平台上。专业玩家网游戏比价器为游戏工作室提供即时游戏比价信息,外服游戏币比价查询,是游戏出货的最佳外服游戏交易平台。


The Neverwinter team has gone on record as having heard the voices of the community about abusive behavior by some when using the 'vote-to-kick' feature. According to a new post on the Neverwinter site, players had been particularly abusing the system at or near the end of a boss fight.

A pair of fixes will be implemented soon:

*It will no longer be possible to kick players near or at a boss fight. 

*The ability to kick players while rolling for an item using the need/greed/pass interface will be disabled.

As of this writing, there is no firm date for deployment of the fix, but both XBox One and PC players will be pleased to know the fix will be released for both platforms.
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