感受《惊险滑水道》的速度 免费的赛车游戏

2015-08-18 792



Waterslide Extreme is a free arcade racing game based on one of their TV commercials in which a waterslide weaves between the buildings of a city. When looking at the thrilling screenshots and gameplay videos.

Having both first-person and third-person perspective to play, you can also choose exactly which motion lets you steer or brake. As you progress in each level, the waterslide gets more complex and difficult to maneuver.

While slide down a HUGE waterslide, the transparent interval always gives an illusion just as playing in real life. The game takes a few tries to get used to but he gameplay mode is extremely simple to learn with collecting gems, watching out for obstacles, and racking up points. However, the real challenge in Waterslide Extreme is clocking the best time possible while also collecting the most diamonds, and a high-score.
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