
2015-09-01 1966

Molag Bal和Coldharbour的力量已经控制了Cyrodiil的皇冠:帝都。《上古卷轴》Tamriel Unlimited的第一个DLC游戏包创建了引人注目的故事内容,扩大了老兵等级,新史诗装备的新货币,两个新的地下城,以前从未见过的怪物,可创造的装备集等。专业玩家网VPN代理商城为游戏工作室提供最稳定最安全的游戏加速器及免费VPN,解决外服游戏网络延迟,高效解决职业玩家掉线频繁等问题。


Elder Scrolls Online PC servers are down for maintenance pending the deployment of the Imperial City DLC. Servers went down at 8:00 am Eastern / 5:00 am Pacific and will be unavailable for an indeterminate amount of time. Be sure to keep an eye on the ESO forum for the official announcement of when servers are back online.

Molag Bal and the forces of Coldharbour have taken control of the crown jewel of Cyrodiil: the Imperial City. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited’s first DLC game pack features hours of compelling story content, expanded Veteran Ranks, a new currency for new epic gear, two new dungeons, never-before-seen monsters, craftable item sets, and more.

XBox One players can get their hands on the DLC on September 15th followed a day later for PlayStation 4 players.
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