《龙之谷》欧盟版本获得夏季更新 包括枪骑兵职业

2015-09-07 610
Actoz Soft Europe(原盛大游戏)日前宣布,《龙之谷》欧盟版本更新已部署,其中包括新的PvP锦标赛模式和新的枪骑兵职业。



Actoz Soft Europe (former Shanda Games) has announced that the summer update for Dragon Nest EU has been deployed that includes the new PvP tournament mode and new Lancer class. 

As the name of the class implies, she is a melee spear-wielder. Her most notable skill is the ability to knock enemies off their feet. Players looking forward to creating a Lancer can take advantage of a special leveling event from now through September 9th.

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