《天空熔炉》战斗历史修订版随着Aelion's Call更新到来

2015-09-15 454
《天空熔炉》网站有一个新的开发博客文章,介绍了战斗历史的详情,将会随着Aelion's Call更新到来。万神殿的所有玩家至少两等级可以访问战斗历史,它可以提供关于群体伤害,伤害接收,敌人,战斗长度的统计信息。



The Skyforge site has a new developer blog post that lays out the details of the Battle History revision that will be coming along with the Aelion's Call update. All players in a Pantheon with at least level two can access Battle History which gives statistical information about group damage, damaged received, enemies, length of battle and more.

In the Battle History, you can find statistics for each combat you participated in, whether it was a tough PVE or PVP battle (or an easy one, if you want to brag)! You can learn from your team mates as well – you will get as many details for their actions as yours! In its initial version, the statistics are kept until you exit the game, and reset afterwards.

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