
2015-09-16 1334

即使你不经常PVP,你也应该试一试要塞围攻。你并不需要成为冲在前线的死亡之机,为战斗做出显著贡献。有物资收集并运送到仓库和围攻点,pack horse可抢或偷盗,弩炮将被构建,傀儡寻找黄金,友好的围攻工程师护航。所有这些活动都有助于胜利并赚取要点。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最全面的VPN代理,游戏CDK,游戏防封软件,游戏辅助脚本工具,游戏打金技术,游戏赚钱方法,游戏项目,比价器等服务。


The latest Neverwinter update has now been deployed and players can take part in 20v20 PvP battles. These Stronghold Siege battles take place by combining two maps to double the scale and allows teams to destroy an enemy's stronghold.

Even if you don’t PvP regularly, you should give Stronghold Siege a try. You don’t need to be a whirling machine of death on the front line to make a significant contribution to the battle. There are supplies to be collected and delivered to depots and siege points, pack horses to be corralled or stolen, ballistae to be constructed, golems to be hunted for gold, friendly siege engineers to escort. All of these activities contribute to victory and earn you points.
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