
2015-09-22 828





Bless Online has kicked off Final Closed Beta Test on September 17th, 2015. To giving players more satisfaction, the developer decides a longer server time. The servers will open 24 hours a day during Sept. 21st to Sept. 25th.

Skill System and Quest System

The team thinks highly of Bless Online's graphics and the world which can be almost in par with Black Desert. Both games seem to have an open seamless world. As to the skill system and quest system, Steparu says the skill system of it isn't overly complicated and players don't have to worry about messing up their builds at all. The nice thing about this skill system is that you can change your skill loadout anywhere and anytime you want, even if you're inside an instanced dungeon.

There are three types of quests in the game so far, mainstory quests, kill quests, and side quests. Mainstory quests gives a lot of nice equipment and items so it's essential to complete these right away. Side quests also give a decent amount of EXP, but not much items. Kill quests ONLY gives EXP and appears after you discover and kill that type of monster once.

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