《巫师3》Hearts of Stone扩张推出

2015-10-14 972
CD Projekt Red日前宣布,《巫师3:狂猎》Hearts of Stone扩张已正式启动。扩张带来了十几个小时的新游戏,广受好评。

Hearts of Stone将Geralt带入一个全新的冒险世界,无人之地的荒野和角落以及Oxenfurt,他将尝试完成协议。陷于欺骗中,Geralt需要他的狡猾和力量来解开这个谜,并毫发无损。专业玩家网为所有职业玩家及游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱项目,为美服游戏工作室,韩服游戏工作室,日服游戏工作室,提供国外游戏注册,游戏技术攻略等资讯。


CD Projekt Red has announced that the Hearts of Stone expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has officially launched. The expansion brings over ten hours of new game play to the critically acclaimed title.

Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new adventure into the wilds of No Man’s Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.

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