《天使联盟》烈火突袭更新 增加了土耳其语

2015-10-15 923


League of Angels - Fire Raiders, GTArcade's smash hit action strategy RPG for mobile, has just released a language update that adds Turkish language support to the game. Players can change the game's language from the settings menu. After receiving great feedback from French and German speaking players since the addition of their language packs, GTArcade is continuing efforts to make Fire Raiders more accessible to players around the world. The developer is currently looking into localizing the game for all the Spanish and Russian speaking gamers, with more to follow.

A brand new cross-server PvP mode will be the main feature in the next update. Details on the new mode are still being kept under wraps, but players will be able to test themselves against the world and clash for a chance to be crowned the Champion of Fire Raiders. Unfortunately, this is all information available in this moment. Still, we expect more exciting news in the near future.

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