
2015-10-26 943
Smile Gate公司刚刚透露了新的预告片,展示了当前的发展形势以及备受期待的MMORPG《失落方舟》。

首先在G-STAR2014亮相,《失落方舟》由Unreal Engine 3技术支持的一个大型项目,Smile Gate公司称,游戏首次CBT计划于2016年上半年揭开序幕。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最全面的VPN代理,游戏CDK,游戏防封软件,游戏辅助脚本工具,游戏打金技术,游戏赚钱方法,游戏项目,比价器等服务。

Smile Gate has just revealed a new trailer, showcasing the current development situation and a tiny bit of gameplay for its highly anticipated MMORPG: Lost Ark.

Firstly unveiled in G-star 2014, Lost Ark is a large-scale project powered by Unreal Engine 3. According to Smile Gate, the game is scheduled to kick off its first Closed Beta test in the first half of next year.

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