《解放圣城》新职业发布 每种形式都有其独特技能

2015-11-02 415
《解放圣城》网站透露了有关最新职业的一些精彩的信息,Scout。Scout有三种形式,每个都有自己的一套独特技能: Wisp, Specter以及Arisen.


The Camelot Unchained site has been updated with some fantastic information about the latest class to be revealed, the Scout. Scouts come in three forms, each with its own set of unique abilities: Wisp, Specter and Arisen.

As an example, Wisps' background is that they can move undetected through enemy territory during the day and they're fast and hard to kill. Conversely, their slightly glowing bodies make them easy to see in darkness, hence less-effective. 

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