
2015-11-19 981


Devilian Online producer today announced the Closed Beta Test 4 for this ARPG that is to begin this weekend from November 19th to 23rd. Getting the feedbacks from previous tests, the team decides to add two new features for Devilian Online’s Closed Beta Test 4.

There are many great new ways to PVP. You’ll be able to use your full set of abilities as you battle against your fellow Devilians in two all new battleground modes; 20 vs 20 and 3 vs 3 battles. Besides, an open-world PvP based challenge Devilian War will be introduced which is about fighting tooth and claw against other Guilds for the control of the very world of Nala, you can get control points by killing enemies in the Endless Hunting grounds. Along with the PvP, tons of new rewards and incentives will be further improved.

The team is working on improving leveling process and implementing new options for controls. French and German versions of Devilian Online will be available in the upcoming Closed Beta 4.

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