《黑色沙漠》内测注册开始 内测将持续七天

2015-12-03 880
Daum Games和Pearl Abyss宣布《黑色沙漠》内测将持续七天,从星期三,12月16日——07:00.UTC开始,持续到星期二,12月22日上午07:00.UTC。
游戏细节和下载页面将由Daum Games和Pearl Abyss公布。被选中的幸运者将收到一封电子邮件。专业玩家网为所有职业玩家及游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱项目,为美服游戏工作室,韩服游戏工作室,日服游戏工作室,提供国外游戏注册,游戏技术攻略等资讯。
Daum Games and Pearl Abyss have announced the first Closed Beta date of Black Desert which will last seven days starting from Wednesday, December 16th – 07:00 a.m. UTC and to Tuesday, December 22nd – 07:00 a.m. UTC.
It’s time to signup for Black Desert CBT1 right now to win a Beta chance without any payment, and the registration will keep available until 8 a.m. UTC of December 9th. If you've registered already for CBT at Paris Games Week, you don't have to register again. If you own a copy of the 'Conqueror's Package' you'll automatically have access to this Beta as well as Closed Beta 2, therefore do not need to re-register!
Further gaming details and the download page are scheduled to be released by Daum Games and Pearl Abyss as the Beta date approaches. The lucky participants to be chosen will receive an email.
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