
2015-12-07 2763
《黑色沙漠》韩服为即将到来的更新揭示了许多新功能,介绍赏金和监狱系统,以及两个党派地下城,名为Akman Temple和Ruins of Histria。
两个新城镇将被添加,称为Arehaja Village,玩家可以与Karma在此聚集,执行日常任务获得赏金。第二个是Mui Kun,在那里土匪或忍者可以闲逛。
此外,玩家会看到名为Akman Temple和Ruins of Histria的两个新开放世界地下城。专业玩家网游戏比价器为游戏工作室提供即时游戏比价信息,外服游戏币比价查询,是游戏出货的最佳外服游戏交易平台。
The Korean version of Black Desert Online has revealed many new features for their upcoming update which introduces Bounty & Jail System as well as two new party dungeons named Akman Temple and Ruins of Histria.
The Valencia region has been turned into a War Zone with significantly reduced Karma penalties and the removal of death penalties aside from EXP loss on death. The addition of a Bounty & Jail System is a nice change for those wanting to get in on the PvP Action.
Two new towns will be added, the first town called Arehaja Village, a place where players with normal Karma can gather around and perhaps pick up daily quests for hunt down the players with bounties. And the second town is Mui Kun, a place where bandits or ninja PK'ers are going to hang out.
In addition, players will see two new open-world dungeons named Akman Temple and Ruins of Histria.
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