
2015-12-10 1460
Aeria Games公司表明《精灵乐章》今天已经更新。新职业,机械师,加入战士,猎人,侍从和法师的斗争。此外,三个新地图与大量的新任务和故事现在也提供给玩家。
此更新还配备了三张新地图:Vapor Vale,Dazzledell Hollow和Port Riptide。在这些不同的地方中,冒险者将会跨越平行世界,被围困的避难所等等,100等级的资深玩家会发现一个新地牢。想要了解游戏工作室内部游戏防封技术,专业玩家网防封软件版块包含光子IP,无极挂机宝等多种防封软件及游戏防封技术。
Aeria Games has sent word that Grand Fantasia has been updated today. A new class, the Mechanic, joins the fight alongside the Fighter, Hunter, Acolyte and Spellcaster. In addition, three new maps with tons of new quests and story are also now available to players.
The update also comes with three new maps: Vapor Vale, Dazzledell Hollow, and Port Riptide. Across these diverse locales, adventurers will encounter parallel worlds, a sanctuary under siege, and much more! Veteran level 100 players will also discover a new dungeon.
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