《龙之谷》手游“破晓之光”在App Store上线

2015-12-23 1372
《龙之谷》正版授权手游“破晓之光”已经在中国App Store上线。所有中国玩家现在可以下载游戏,进入令人兴奋的新旅程!手机RPG破晓之光拥有经典的2D横向卷轴骇客砍杀类行动,有着舒适的图形,动态战斗系统,快速移动,熟悉的地下城等等。更重要的是,《龙之谷》经典角色Geraint,Argenta以及Velskud正在一一亮相。
Dragon Nest's genuine license mobile game ‘The Light of Daybreak’ (temporarily translated from破晓之光) has hit the App Store in China. All the Chinese players can download the game and enter the exciting new journey right now! Mobile RPG The Light of Daybreak features classic 2D side-scrolling hack and slash action with comfortable graphics, dynamic combat system, fast movement, acquainted dungeons, etc. What’s more, the classic character of Dragon Nest Geraint, Argenta and Velskud are making appearance one by one.
Class advancement is also adopted and available in this mobile. Players can feel exciting soon wiping all the enemies by taking full use of its smart combat system, attack, dodge, jump and combo damage. As an online mobile game, The Light of Daybreak supports both team work and PK mode so as to increase the interaction among players.
You’ll never feel down when playing this hack and slash mobile action RPG, because the game is filled with lots of cute pets which have strong attacking abilities. They are the most loyal partner and best possible help for you.
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