PlayStation RPG《最终幻想9》将拥有手游版本

2016-01-07 625
Square Enix公司日前透露,PS1《最终幻想IX》将在iOS和Android设备上推出。该版本配有高清晰的视觉效果,新成就,自动保存功能,高速模式,“比赛提升功能”。
Square Enix has revealed that PS1 favorite Final Fantasy IX (Final Fantasy 9) is coming "soon" to iOS and Android. This remastered mobile edition will come with high-definition visuals, new achievements, an auto-save function, a high-speed mode, and "several game boosting features".
It's got a more traditional style than the other PS1 Final Fantasy games, and harkens back to classic role-players by reviving the character class concept. It's got some fresh ideas, though, like the Active Time Events where you can see events unfolding at different locations to track characters and grab special items.
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