
2016-01-12 1005
The third-person shooter or TPS Cosmic League, formerly known as Cosmic Break 2 in Japan, will be brought to all Europe, Turkey and Latin America by IDC/Games in Its platform and in Steam. The game is very successful in Japan with traditional FPS-style controls and gamepad support.
Cosmic League is an action-packed online arena shooting game featuring cute girls and killer robots. Two teams of up to 10 players each are pitted against each other in close-quarter arena battles. A constantly changing battlefield will require the players to stay aware of their surroundings and adapt their strategies accordingly.
Besides the interesting terrain changes, the character’s character clothes and/or armor will allow you to discern critically damaged targets. This feature is very similar to the animated MMO Warship Girls’s and the 18+ MMO Dead or Live 5’s nude mod. However, IDC/Games hasn’t revealed the release time of Cosmic League.
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