参加无删档《怪物猎人》Mezeporta Reclamation动画测试

2016-01-14 1464
你们最近一定在忙着玩《怪物猎人X》和《怪物猎人OL》。现在有基于怪物猎人系列的另一款游戏,你们知道吗?《怪物猎人OL》的开发商Tencent宣布他们的新游戏《怪物猎人》Mezeporta Reclamation在中国已启动了无删档测试。
由Capcom公司授权,《怪物猎人》Mezeporta Reclamation是基于怪物猎人系列的唯一一个官方browser game。它继承了怪物猎人系列所有的传统和经典元素,同时将所有英雄变成可爱的女孩。玩家将扮演公会达人招募和培训各种可爱的猎人。
与巨大的怪物作战始终是怪物猎人系列的主旋律。在《怪物猎人》Mezeporta Reclamation中,还有无数强大的怪物等着你来挑战。虽然《怪物猎人》Mezeporta Reclamation是一个回合制游戏,玩家仍然可以享受“Destroy Parts”的游戏玩法。通过攻击怪物的不同部分获得不同的材料。专业玩家网VPN代理商城为游戏工作室提供最稳定最安全的游戏加速器及免费VPN,解决外服游戏网络延迟,高效解决职业玩家掉线频繁等问题。
I know you guys must be busy playing Monster Hunter X and Monster Hunter Online recently. But do you know there is another game based on the Monster Hunter series? Recently Tencent Games, the developer of Monster Hunter Online, announced that their new browser game Monster Hunter Mezeporta Reclamation has kicked off its No-wipe beta in China.
Authorised by Capcom, Monster Hunter Mezeporta Reclamation is the only one official browser game based on Monster Hunter series. It inherits all the traditional and classic elements in the Monster Hunter series, while changing all the heroes into cute girls. Players will take on the role of hunter's guild master to recruit and train various cute hunters for battling.
Battling with Huge monsters is always the main theme of Monster Hunter series. In Monster Hunter Mezeporta Reclamation, there are also countless powerful monsters waiting for your challenge. Although Monster Hunter Mezeporta Reclamation is a turn-based game, players can still enjoy the "Destroy Parts" gameplay here. By attacking different parts of the monsters, players can get different materials.
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