《Valiant Force》新职业治疗者 去除诅咒和魔法

2016-01-26 1059
你还记得即将到来的手游《Valiant Force》的神秘职业吗?最近,游戏揭示了另一个职业给玩家,就是治疗者。
在《Valiant Force》中,治疗者不仅能恢复健康,也可以去除队友身上的诅咒和魔法。但是,看来这个职业不能复活别人。
《Valiant Force》目前正在开发中。现在,您可以在官方页面上预注册一个帐户,以获得独家装备,游戏已经正式启动。专业玩家提供几万QQ群,游戏QQ群,魔兽QQ群,魔兽世界qq群,游戏群名字,韩服游戏QQ群,日服游戏QQ群,台服游戏QQ群,美服游戏QQ群,热门游戏QQ群!
Do you still remember the Mystic class of the upcoming mobile game Valiant Force we introduced last month? Recently, the game revealed another class to the players, which is the Healer.
In Valiant Force, healer can not only restore health, but also remove curses and debuffs from teammates. However, it seems this class can not revive the others in the game.
Valiant Force is currently in development. You can now pre-register an account on the official page to receive exclusive in-app items when the game has officially launched.
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