《少年三國志》新年问候 收集‘福’字兑换物品

2016-02-04 445
The Lunar New Year is the most important festival for Asians all over the globe, this annual event is more anticipated than any other holiday. People reunite with their family during this festival, looking forward to and expressing their best wishes for the coming year. Ways of celebrating vary from remembering ancestors, doing spring cleaning, putting up couplets and the Chinese character for auspiciousness '福'.
Junior Three Kingdoms (少年三國志) will celebrate the Lunar New Year during the 4th of February to the 9th of February. Collect '福' dropped from quests and redeem various resources such as(red Hero Essence, red Equipment Essence and Fate Stones). At the same time, there are free gifts and rewards waiting to be discovered by everyone since it is the first Lunar New Year celebration of Junior Three Kingdoms.
To wrap up, the official team wish everyone a happy Year of the Monkey and good luck in uniting the Three Kingdoms!
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