《RS江湖》第27个技能—发明 等级上限高于99

2016-02-06 2699
《RS江湖》第27个技能—发明 等级上限高于99发明是RS在1月25日发布的一个新技能。这个技能主要用于拆卸装备,发现目标,创建装备,增强装备的练级,和装备津贴。发明是RS的第27个技能,也是第一个精英技能。技能需要80等级占卜,打造和锻造来练级。发明是第二个等级上限高于99的技能。
Invention is a latest skill in RuneScape released on January 25th. This skill is focused on the disassembly of items, the discovery of projects, the building of items, the leveling of augmented items, and the adding of perks to items. It is Runescape's 27th skill, as well as the first elite skill. The skill requires level 80 Divination, Crafting and Smithing to start leveling.Invention is the second skill (after Dungeoneering) to have a level cap higher than 99. 
Invention is aiming at utilizing out-of-date items to produce materials for augmenting and leveling up items. Through disassembling items and using materials you can unlock new things in the inspiration and discovery, which will enhance the gameplay experience and make it full of inventing fun.
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