
2016-02-17 456
《黑色沙漠》第二次封闭测试将于2月18日08:00 UTC开始,持续到2月22日08:00 UTC。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛为游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱方法,游戏工作室项目,出金思路,游戏心得,游戏攻略等最新信息。
MMOsite已经调整了激活码的分配量。350多个激活码将通过比赛分发!激活码将分别在03:00 am (PST), 10:30 am (PST) 和 19:30 pm (PST)添加。 
2月18日:08:00 UTC 服务器开放。
2月22日:08:00 UTC 服务器关闭。
The 2nd and final Closed Beta Test of Black Desert Online will begin on 18th of February, 08:00 UTC and ends on 22nd of February, 08:00 UTC. (The client can be downloaded from the 16th of February.)
MMOsite has adjusted the distribution quantity of keys. More than 350 new keys will be distributed through Contest! The keys will be added at 03:00 am (PST), 10:30 am (PST) and 19:30 pm (PST) respectively.
Important dates:
—16th of February: Client download will be made available (you will also need to download the client even if you have the CBT1 client installed / The CBT1 client is now obsolete). Deleting the CBT1 client before installing the CBT2 client is recommended to avoid potential conflicts.
—18th of February at 08:00 UTC: servers open.
—22nd of February at 08:00 UTC: servers close. 
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