
2016-02-18 1131
《伊卡洛斯》首次内测刚刚在北美和墨西哥的本地服务器上结束,发行商和开发商都渴望获得西方测试者的反馈和建议。游戏的名称Riders of Icarus你们应该很熟悉,其实它是《伊卡洛斯》的英文版本,一个备受瞩目的韩国CryEngine3 MMORPG。
Riders of Icarus’s first Closed Beta test has just ended for local servers in North America and Mexico, and the publisher and developer are eager to receive feedback and suggestions from western testers. The name of the game may be very familiar to you guys, in fact, it’s the English version of Icarus, a highly-anticipated Korean CryEngine3 MMORPG.
In the game you enter in an exhilarating MMORPG fantasy world becoming a Rider of Icarus and soar as far and wide as your imagination. With the ability to tame and ride fearsome winged beasts, you can flying free and take full use of the flying weapon in thrilling PvE and PvP combat.
A larger closed beta test will follow at a later date for North America, Mexico, Europe and Australia/New Zealand.
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