《恶魔契约》新地下城抵达 也带来了新职业暴风战士

2016-02-19 890
Trion Worlds宣布《恶魔契约》的最新更新已发布,带来了新职业暴风战士。此外,还有两个新地牢,一个新的突袭地牢和高端装备也包括在内。
此次更新是对玩家反馈的直接回应,加入了新内容。更新1.3:Fury of the Tempest引进了新职业暴风战士。专业玩家网为所有职业玩家及游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱项目,为美服游戏工作室,韩服游戏工作室,日服游戏工作室,提供国外游戏注册,游戏技术攻略等资讯。
Trion Worlds has announced that the latest Devilian update has been deployed that most notably brings the Tempest class into the game. In addition, two new Archdevil dungeons, a new raid dungeon and new high end gear are also included.
Today’s update is a direct response to player feedback, adding loads of new content to the ever-evolving MMO-ARPG. Update 1.3: Fury of the Tempest introduces the Vanguard of Nala to the all-new Tempest class, a master of blades and acrobatics.
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