
2016-03-03 1175
Fedeen Games公司宣布,《神魔大陆移动版》将会扩大。随着即将到来的扩张,精灵会有自己的属性和其他升级的自定义选项,甚至为玩家提供更多的奖金。
Fedeen Games has announced that Forsaken World Mobile will be expanding soon. Players have access to personal Dreamscapes with a Faerie that can provide buffs and blessings after tribute is paid. With the upcoming expansion, Faeries will have more customization options with its own attributes, Relics and other upgrades that provide even more significant bonuses for players.
In addition, players will be able to take part in 3v3 arena play. Arenas will be open once per week with some pretty sweet rewards for participation and victory.
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