《剑灵》术士职业练级挑战 获得意想不到的奖励

2016-03-04 1024
·Warrior's Tokens x30
·Siren's Emblem x20
·Pirate's Emblem x20
·Hongmoon Unsealing Charm x15
·Naryu Silver x10
·Element of Luck x5
·Lucky Jewel x5
With the launch of Unchained on March 2—and the new Warlock class— NCSOFT, the publisher of Blade & Soul is challenging everyone to level up a new character before March 23, and get some incredible rewards when they do.
Any character that is level 10 or under when Unchained releases on March 2 (or any new character made after March 2), and that reaches level 45 before maintenance on March 23, will receive an upgrade bundle and first chance at the Temptation costume.The upgrade bundle includes all of these non-tradable items:
·Warrior's Tokens x30
·Siren's Emblem x20
·Pirate's Emblem x20
·Hongmoon Unsealing Charm x15
·Naryu Silver x10
·Element of Luck x5
·Lucky Jewel x5
Your first character of any class that meets the criteria of the challenge will earn the costume and the upgrade bundle, which will be sent to your account-wide Received Items tab where it can be claimed by any character. While the upgrade bundle is only able to be earned once, NCSOFT will grant additional Temptation costumes for any other characters that complete the challenge on your account.
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