《Luna》续作进军台湾正式定名《La Lune Online:月光盗贼团》

2016-03-11 1939
还记得韩国MMORPG《Luna: Moonlight Thieves》吗?这个备受期待的MMORPG动漫已抵达台湾,定名《La Lune Online:月光盗贼团》,所以我相信英文版本也即将到来。今天,台湾雷爵出版商公布La Lune无删档封闭测试将于3月16日开始,预告片介绍了地牢,角色和BOSS。
拥有动漫图形,PVP内容,结合公会系统,家族系统,采集系统……。在main weapons中,你需要通过PvP收集特定装备以获得公会点。宠物扮演一个重要角色,不仅是有趣的,也是有着技能的攻击角色。DNF游戏工作室想要了解最新的游戏脚本及游戏赚钱方法,专业玩家是您值得信赖的平台。
Do you remember the Korean MMORPG Luna: Moonlight Thieves? This highly anticipated anime MMORPG has arrived in Taiwan with a new name La Lune Online, so I believe it won’t be very long till us see its English version. Today the Taiwanese publisher Lager announced the non-wipe Closed Beta Test for La Lune Online to be starting on 16th March, 2016 with a new teaser trailer introducing the dungeon, characters and bosses.
Featuring anime fantasy graphics, PvP content, combining guild system, family system, collecting system and "Luna Mode" non-targeting combat system, La Lune Online has 13 main weapons and 7 secondary weapons deserves to be classified as a fighting game. In La Lune Online, you need to collect specific items through PvP to gain your guild point. Pet will play an important role in the game by not only being a fun but also an attack role with useful skills.
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