《魔兽世界》 恶魔猎人即将在8月9号上线

2016-08-01 1160
在昨天的直播过程中,魔兽世界的高级游戏设计师Jonathan LeCraft花了一个小时讨论恶魔猎手的新游戏。在问答环节里,设计师明确表明了那些预定勒卡夫特的军团将在8月9日获得恶魔猎人。此外,所有的玩家将能够抢先参加8月30日发布的恶魔入侵事件游戏中。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。
During yesterday's live stream event, World of Warcraft Senior Game Designer Jonathan LeCraft spent an hour discussing the new Demon Hunter class coming to the game. In the course of the Q&A, LeCraft indicated that those who preordered Legion  will gain access to Demon Hunters on August 9th. In addition, all players will be able to take part in the Demon Invasion events that lead up to Legion's launch on August 30th.
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